Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy Single Awareness Day (Valentine's) - Just Add Chocolate Fondue

Valentine’s Day is commonly perceived as one of those holidays where it can seem like a negative thing if you are “single”.  I think it should be to the contrary.  If you are single, recognize it as “Single Awareness Day”, and celebrate it! 

Being single, I have found so many unique and amazing opportunities and situations have just opened up and unveiled themselves to me; things that I likely never would have experienced had I been in a relationship.  In fact, these are often some of the most cherished memories I have.  Embrace this moment in time when everything is truly just about you.  Make sure you show yourself some love – treat yourself to some great chocolate, pick up a beautiful bouquet of your favourite flowers, get your nails done, go for a massage, get a nice bottle of wine, but most importantly, make some plans to do something you really enjoy!  In fact, shouldn’t we all probably do these things for ourselves a little more often than just on February 14?  You can be the best boyfriend you’ve ever had, any day of the year.  Hope you all had a great Single Awareness Day, or Valentine’s Day, whichever one you were celebrating!

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